Design Technology
At Holy Trinity, we aim to teach pupils the skills to select and use appropriate tools in a safe and careful manner in order to effectively make a product. Pupils are encouraged to evaluate and think critically about the effectiveness of their designs and what requirements are needed during the making process. Each child has the freedom to use their own imagination and design wishes to solve real and relevant problems when designing their products. They learn the importance of trial and error and are able to discuss their initial ideas and suggest ways of improving their work.
Pupils generate, develop and communicate their ideas through class discussions, sketching their ideas, creating step by step templates and, where appropriate, through ICT.
Pupils use their own creativity skills and take risks in order to develop their models and take advice from their peers through discussions. They then use available resources to complete their designs; again, using their own judgement and creativity to choose the materials they see best fit. In older year groups, pupils continue to use their own judgement when choosing equipment when thinking about the functional properties and aesthetic qualities of their products.
Pupils learn to be critical thinkers and risk takers, understanding when products need amending and adjusting. In older year groups, children develop earlier skills taught to them by considering the views of others when improving their work. They observe key events and individuals in real life and think about how they have helped shape the world of design and technology.
Technical knowledge:
Children are taught specific language that is appropriate to the designs they are making. In lower year groups, children explore and use mechanisms such as levers, sliders, wheels and axles, in their products. In older year groups, the children then apply their understanding of how to strengthen, stiffen and reinforce more complex structures. They become familiar with the mechanical systems in their products, such as gears, pulleys and levers.
To see the skills progression document for Design Technology, please click here