Welcome to Nursery!

Dear Parents / Carers,
Welcome to Nursery at Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School! We are so excited to have you here for a great year! Come and join us as we learn, laugh and make friends.
Remember to check twitter too for updates on what we are doing at
www.twitter.com/trinity_ashton or www.twitter.com/JBNurseryHT
If you need to contact the Nursery you can message at
or call in to see us after the children have left.
Kindest Regards,
Mrs Binless, Mrs Conway, Mrs Begum & Mrs Mubin
Welcome to Holy Trinity Nursery. This term we are looking forward to welcoming new friends, learning new things and continuing to developing friendships.
Our topic for Summer 1 will be 'Down on the farm'. We will be focusing on stories about farm animals, such as Farmer Duck, Farmyard Hullabaloo & Old McDonald. We will be learning lots of songs and rhymes and finding out how about different animals. We will also be visiting Cockfield's Farm to see the animals, including lots of babies hopefully!.
In Phonics, we will be continuing with Phase 1 phonics. We will be continuing to listen to see if we can hear the initial sounds in words and beginning to blend together sounds to make words.
In Maths, we will learning all about the numbers to 5. We will be subitising groups of objects, learning to recognise the numerals and making groups of objects. We will also be looking at 2D shapes and their properties.
Speaking & listening
We are continuing to develop our vocabulary, answering questions and using short sentences. We are also learning to listen to our friends.
We would like to invite you to join us for a short Rhyme time session each Friday. We will be learning and singing different rhymes and songs.
Morning nursery will be at 8.45
Afternoon nursery will be at 12.15
What we will be learning this half term
Helping at home
Here's some ideas for games to play at home.
Here are some of the things we will be learning this year.
Here is the information from our initial Parent meeting