Holy Trinity C of E Primary School

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Kenyon Street, Ashton-Under-Lyne, OL6 7DU


0161 330 1065

Holy Trinity C of E Primary School

Holy Trinity CE Primary is proud to be awarded: GOOD by OFSTED++++EXCELLENT by SIAMS++++GOLD by the RE Quality Mark++++

  1. News and Parents information
  2. School Performance

Performance Data

On average, children start Holy Trinity at levels that are well below National. By the time they leave us in year 6, we have closed that gap significantly and, in some subjects, eliminated it entirely.

With your support, we will ensure that your child achieves their full potential and is socially, spiritually and academically ready for the next phase in their education. Please note that there were no progress measures in 2024 as this cohort does not have Year 2 data because of the pandemic.

2024 KS2 Results (National in bold)

Achieved Exceeded Average score Progress
Reading 69%    74% 24%   28.4% 104  105
Writing 63%    72% 3%    12.8%
Maths 72%    73% 24%   23.7% 104.4  104
SPAG 86%   72% 55%  30% 108  105
Combined data 55%   61%