"You can make anything by writing." - C.S. Lewis
At Holy Trinity, we ensure that children write for meaning and that these tasks are contextualised and cross-curricular to help embed learning. Children are provided with a stimulus and vocabulary is then developed around this in order to support their writing in relation to their limited experiences. There is always a strong grammar focus linked to the type of writing being undertaken. Writing is planned and modelled carefully with opportunities for self and peer assessment and children are given the opportunities to draft and re-draft work accordingly.
Across school, children are given opportunities to write at all times, including within continuous provision, and for different purposes, using a range of genres.
Through our writing curriculum, we want our children to be able express themselves clearly, to have a good standard of written English in order to write for a range of formal and informal purposes in order to help them in their future lives, such as when applying for jobs. We hope to have built a foundation for them to be able to access further education and to be able to make good progress in the future.
To view our skills progression document, please click here